(Back in September 2011, we asked readers of this blog to give us their examples of waste or failure - and how to tackle it by early action and/or collaboration. So we're very happy to welcome our first guest blogger, Tamra from Bristol Debt Advice Centre (BDAC), where she currently works as a Money Advice Caseworker). Here's what she told us).
As a debt adviser, there are certain situations where you feel that everyone is following a script. Here’s one that I often encountered at BDAC when I started working there. Client comes into the office, worried sick about a council debt that has been passed to the bailiffs to collect. I have to phone the bailiff on his mobile out on his rounds. You can imagine how the conversation went…
Advisor (me) - “Mrs Band is in receipt of Income Support, and can only afford to offer you £3.50 per week”
Bailiff - “Oh no, I can’t accept that. I need at least £100 up front, and then £50 per month after that.”
Advisor (me) - “But Mrs Band can’t afford to pay that, and she is suffering from depression and anxiety, and this is all making it worse.”
Bailiff - “Well, I really can’t do anything about that. She will have to pay me my money, or I’ll be going in to take her goods”
If we tried negotiating with the council we were told that “once it’s with the bailiffs, there’s nothing that we can do, sorry”. In short, refusal to intervene. I would then try to reassure my client that the bailiff wasn’t genuinely interested in removing her second-hand furniture and microwave – he was using the threat of removing them to apply pressure, so that she would go and borrow money from her granny to pay them off. A poor result all round (except maybe for the bailiff).
Regular re-runs of this script, along with all the complaints we got from our clients about bailiff behaviour, led us to undertake some social policy work to improve the cumbersome, slow, and unsuccessful process for dealing with council debt.
If you are struggling to get your council to talk, you may need to present them with hard and fast figures alongside the anecdotal evidence that agencies are used to collecting. In
Increasingly, both
When you have been through the script so many times, it can be easy to rant and rave. Advice agencies also have a responsibility to make a constructive approach to their council – for the sake of their clients – and improve the relationships between advice agency, local authority and bailiff. Councils are looking at ways to save money, and it is up to
Even bailiff companies may be more likely to win contracts with local councils if it can be shown they are working collaboratively with advice agencies...
Last month I was invited up to
If you are looking to back up your arguments for the benefits of a more joined up approach, you should direct your local authority to the research carried out by Community Finance Solutions at
Perhaps the most surprising element to the work we undertook in